4 Must-Have Features in Gym Management Software

While Americans have shown more interest in fitness in recent years, some people are still hesitant to get back into the gym. If you want to maintain customer membership, you should invest in software for gym management. This software can make it easier for you to keep track of prospective and current clients while sending them useful information. Here are must-have features of gym management software.
1. Calendar
Fitness classes remain popular with 36% of all regular exercisers attending them, according to Loud Rumor. Your gym may have patrons who aren’t too interested in working out on the open floor and prefer scheduled classes. Therefore, it’s essential to have a constantly updated scheduling feature, so patrons can see what classes are available, at what times, and with what instructor. After all, people may have favored classes and wish to easily see which ones are offered.
2. Email
Email is still the best way to communicate with gym patrons. The software for gym management can easily incorporate this feature. That way, you can quickly send your customers reminders to finish their membership sign-up or about special deals. For example, you may email them offers for private training sessions or a group workout with their favorite instructor.
3. Attendance Tracking
It’s no secret that gym attendees often trail off after signing up. If your system tracks attendance, it can remind customers who haven’t been there in a while to come back. Showing the number of days they’ve missed may encourage people to get back on their fitness journey. You may also use attendance tracking to see who is attending the gym the most, mark membership anniversaries, and offer special deals for customer loyalty.
4. Payment Options
Most people are used to making digital payments. The software for gym management can include payment features that allow members to pay their monthly dues online. They can also pay for extras, such as special classes or apparel. The payment feature can show the client’s account balance. They can see if they have anything overdue and receive reminders when their next membership payment will be posted.
Using software to manage your gym is an essential way to keep up with prospective and current customers. You can effectively communicate with them through automated emails and personalized ones. To learn more about how the software can help your gym business, contact Club Systems today for a consultation.
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