Cash Discount

Eliminate your credit card fees with Club Systems' Cash Discount Program! Encourage cash payments to save on card processing fees, automatically apply discounts at checkout, and offer members savings on recurring dues with no extra hassle. It’s a win-win for both your club and your members.

Save More with Cash Discounts

Club Systems' Cash Discount Program helps your club save on costly credit card fees while offering instant savings to members. By encouraging cash payments, you reduce processing fees, which means more resources to enhance member experiences.

With our POS system, cash discounts are automatically applied at checkout, providing immediate value to members paying with cash. It’s simple, efficient, and rewarding. For recurring dues, members paying via ACH also receive automatic discounts each billing cycle, ensuring consistent savings without any extra effort from your team or your members.


Cut Credit Card Fees

Encourage cash payments to significantly reduce credit card processing fees and boost your club’s savings.

Automatic Cash Discounts at Checkout

Members receive instant savings when paying with cash, with discounts applied automatically through the POS system.

Recurring ACH Discounts

For monthly dues, cash discounts are automatically applied for members paying by ACH, ensuring consistent savings with no hassle.

What gym & health club owners are saying

“The return of calls are immediate. When I need something, I usually need it now, and they’re always right there to help. Club Systems makes me feel like a valued customer, not just another number or dollar. Service to me is more important than cost, but with Club Systems, I get the best of both!

Jeff Watson, Owner

Empower Fitness

"Over the last year and a half you guys have been very helpful.  I constantly remind myself of how happy I am that I picked Club Systems to handle our billing.I appreciate the consistency of service.  Not an easy thing to do."


Point Fitness

“I’ve used Club Systems in my clubs for over 25 years. The products they provide are excellent and the support is phenomenal. Great people…great company. They’re a 10+ on my list!”


GB3 Sports Clubs

"I have been with Club Systems for 8 years and 2 clubs. I also have another club software company that I use at some franchised gym (mandated by corporate). So I have first hand experience in comparing Club Systems with the other largest gym software company out there. Hands down, Club Systems beats the competition without hesitation. Club Systems actually answers the phone when you call and doesn’t keep you on hold. If you are looking for a software for your fitness facility, don’t shop around and don’t take my word on it, just call Eric at Club Systems and see for yourself."


Dalton's Fitness

Tired of Struggling with Your Gym's Software?

Simplify your operations, save money, and get the support you need with Club Systems.