Is Your Gym’s Billing System Hurting Retention Rates?

Enticing someone interested in fitness to join a gym is not a massive hurdle. Since 36% of all people who regularly exercise also participate in some kind of fitness class, according to Loud Rumor, luring them to your gym is a realistic goal. Anyone who’s been in the gym business long enough can tell you that getting initial sign-ups is not the issue. The real challenge is retaining your members. A new billing system for gyms can make a huge difference. Let’s take a closer look.
How Can an Outdated Billing System Hurt Your Gym?
Some gym owners may prefer the old-school approach to billing. Instead of billing software, they like having their members pay at the check-in desk. You may have stuck with that billing system due to the belief that it engages your members better. While the reasoning behind that decision makes sense, it may not work in practice.
People are at the gym to work out and maybe learn new fitness techniques from instructors and their fellow members. They don’t want to be stuck at the front desk because they have to pay for their monthly bills. That continuous annoyance may push your members away instead of encouraging them to renew.
Sticking with an outdated billing system for gyms is also a mistake because it can serve as a built-in excuse for your members to leave. They can just stop visiting your gym if they wish to quit. You can’t make a final appeal for them to continue their membership because they can just avoid showing up again.
How Will Gym Billing Software Help Your Retention Rates?
Thus far, we’ve touched on the ways an outdated billing system can adversely affect gym membership. For this section of the article, we’ll focus on the benefits of using billing software. The biggest advantage of using billing software is convenience. Your members can use the program or app to pay their monthly bills and exercise more.
Setting up payment software for your gym also makes it easier for your members to avoid late penalties. They can use the app or program to pay their bills quickly. You can also send them automated reminders so they can avoid incurring additional payments.
Using the latest billing system for gyms also reflects favorably on your business. Members may see it as an indicator that you are always willing to embrace the newest technology. That may encourage them to stick around so they can see how your gym evolves.
Retaining gym members requires a multi-faceted approach. Focus on providing the best equipment, trainers, and systems so your members aren’t tempted to leave. Contact Club Systems today, and we’ll outfit your gym with the latest billing software!
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