
How Marketing Can Help Your Gym Succeed

Eric Speer
March 13, 2018
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Each year, 58 million people visit a gym or health club. If you own one of these gyms and health clubs, you may believe that these people are coming to the gym because it’s near their house or doesn’t have a huge start-up fee. However, that isn’t always the case.

Many people go to a gym because they hear a lot about it and see advertising for it all over the place. People are going to walk through the door if they hear about awesome promotions or projects that your gym is involved in. In order to get the word out, you need to be able to focus on marketing. Marketing is an extremely important part of running a successful business, and that includes gyms. If you’re looking for a way to boost gym attendance, check out the following marketing tips.

Invest in Scheduling and Business Software
Investing in a scheduling or business software can really help take your gym from 0 to 100. Nowadays, people are so inclined to just hop on their phones and schedule appointments. If someone is able to set up their personal training appointment on their cell phone, chances are they’re going to favor the gym that offers this service. It’s a great way to help a customer keep track of what they’ve been doing, all without actually having to pay a visit to the gym. Health club management software, billing systems for gyms, or member account management software can make a big difference.

What’s Your Site Like?
Every once in a while, take a look at your business’s website. If your website looks like it was made by a second grader, you probably should update it. A lot of people make their first impression or opinion of a place based on what they see on its website. People tend to immediately click off of a site that isn’t well done, so you really need to make sure that yours is easy to access and fun to click around. Make sure you have your business hours, contact information, and location listed, as potential new clients may be searching for that.

Incorporate a Blog on Your Site
One of the easiest ways to get your name out there as by posting blogs on your site. If you post a really interesting piece about how to lose 20 pounds in 15 days the safe way, people who read it might share it to their social media accounts. Once they share their friends are likely to read it and might share it to their accounts as well. It’s the easiest way to help your business go “viral.”

Create a Great Logo
Most people can recognize popular gyms out there just by their logo. For example, the Planet Fitness logo is a gear with a thumbs up in the middle of it, along with their name. This is a household logo, and to make your business a success, you need a killer logo as well. Work with a graphic designer to come up with the perfect logo for you and your company. They will be able to help you figure out the best way to make your brand memorable.

The success of a gym is far more than just what equipment is inside. In order to keep your business going strong, you need to consider marketing. Take a look at the tips listed above to bring in more clients and potentially more money.

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