
4 Ways to Get Millennial Members–Even if Your Gym’s Closed

Eric Speer
July 21, 2020
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Did you know that nearly half of all millennials, which is anyone between the age of 24 and 39, exercise regularly? That’s what a Nielsen Global Exercise Trends Survey found recently. With such a high percentage of potential members out there, gym and fitness center owners might want to cater a little more to this demographic, especially now. Here are some ways how.

Offer Something Unique

While many gyms and fitness centers are closed or limiting capacity now, you can still bring in new members—especially millennials—by offering something unique. Try online classes, one-on-one instruction, or outdoor fitness. Many millennials are juggling work and family in a new way, so perhaps offer a special “fitness for the mind” series in which members learn meditation, mindfulness, or yoga.

Design family-friendly classes that the whole family can partake in, which could be especially important with schools and daycare centers closed or limiting capacity, as well. You may even want to try a high impact boot camp for members to work out their frustrations. For a fun twist, offer instruction for at-home boxing because, honestly, who wouldn’t want to knock out their always-at-home spouse about now!

Sell Retail

Another way to draw in millennials is to sell retail both on-site and online. If your gym is closed right now, offer curbside pickup or delivery. More people are looking for ways to stay in shape without leaving their homes, so stock yoga mats and props, weights, athletic clothing, healthy snacks, earbuds, or fitness trackers. People are also more likely to join a gym if it offers services, such as massages, nutritionist consultations, or a family swimming pool.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

Not surprisingly, your gym can increase its membership and merchandise sales by offering multiple payment options. You should offer debit and credit card transactions, e-check payments, and auto payments. In fact, if you only offer one type of payment, such as credit card transactions, you could miss out on the 67% of the 18-29 year olds that don’t even have a credit card. If you don’t offer credit card transactions, you could lose business from those aged 35 and up, who prefer to use credit cards. So, be sure to offer as many payment options as you can.

Get Gym Management Software

Nearly 20% of millennials use nothing but their smartphones for banking and bill management. Give them the ability to pay their gym membership fee on a mobile app and they will be more likely to join your gym. A gym member management system also allows members to view their accounts, check in online, and make credit card transactions. A gym management system also benefits you by streamlining billing, tracking memberships, and scheduling and paying employees.

While owning a gym or fitness center might be tough right now, you can still succeed by increasing your memberships. One of the best demographics to pursue are millennials, who are most likely to join a gym. If you offer unique experiences, classes, and merchandise, as well as offer a mobile app and gym membership software, you will be more likely to capture this group’s business and grow your own.

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